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Prophetic Insight 2014


“A New Movement Is Coming Forth In God’s Church – Are You Ready?”


The Spirit of the Lord declares to His Church: Doors to new history are now opening. A new movement will now move forth. A new stream from My Throne is flowing, and it will be a pure stream of My Gospel. For the stream of My Gospel has been diverted and dammed up by those who wanted the benefits of reservoired blessings; but I will now blow up the religious dams. I will now discipline the spiritual hoarders, and I will have a Gospel that flows freely with My Spirit.

“My movement will move. It is built to move, and it will move empowered by the fresh winds of My Spirit and soaked with fresh oil. It shall be a pure Gospel stream that is lit with the fire of My cause, one that I can confirm with signs, with wonders and with miracles, one that is not diluted with flesh or pride or immorality or greed, one that I can back with awesome Kingdom assets, one that I can marshal My angel armies behind; a Gospel of awesome power that will now surge forward, and the generations will synergize their efforts together for the revival of ingathering such has not been seen before.

“And I am calling to My Gideons–come Gideons! Come from your hiding places and stop the raiding of harvests. I have seen you behind the winepress. I have seen your secret toil. I have heard your cries for relief. Now hear My cry. Now hear My voice rise and see the strong arm of the Lord your God. I have seen your heart, and I will now empower you. I will defeat the enemy, and you will enjoy the spoils of victory. You will say, ‘Our enemy has resourced us. Our enemy has stored abundance for us. We have more because of war.’

“A shift in leadership will now occur,” says the Lord. “A new breed of leaders will be revealed in My Kingdom. The obscure ones who have served faithfully will now receive promotion. Though man has not seen, I have seen. It will be said, ‘Where did they come from? Who are they?’

“And I will advocate saying, ‘These are they who have come from My presence. These are they who would not compromise. These are they who would not be muzzled. These are they who would not bow to darkness. These are they who would not appease humanity with enticing words but have stood strong with My words.’

“They did not flinch. They did not bow their knee to blended religion and doctrines of men. They did not tolerate the diluting of My message and the mocking of My ways. They have stood unashamed for Me. Now I will stand unashamed for them. I have proclaimed their victory, and I will oversee it.

“Multiplied grace is now flowing. Bound souls shall be set free. Captive hearts shall be delivered. Those blinded by sin and iniquity shall be liberated from hell’s bondage, as the revival of ingathering now springs forward.

“The synergized generation in sync with My angel armies and soaked in the presence of My Spirit will now leap forward into great revival. It will be a movement that moves–moves in power, moves with passion, moves in purity. Notable miracles will spring forth. They are leaping in your midst.

“The revival in the womb of My intercessors is now leaping. It is leaping from the womb of their travail. It is now time for the birthing of forerunners who will run. Leap into your destiny. Leap through the open door. Leap into your future.” –spoken by Apostle Tim Sheets

Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries and conferences. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the church on the Earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. He has written three books, Armed and Battle ReadyBeing Led by the Spirit, and Heaven Made Real. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren.


How Latinos Are Changing American Christianity (Richard Land)

How Latinos are changing American Christianity
By Richard Land – Apr 17, 2013

Will wonders never cease? In the midst of an unprecedented avalanche of negative media against traditional religious values and the groups espousing them, a strongly pro-traditional religious values story made the cover of the most recent Time (April 15, 2013). Titled “The Latino Reformation,” the story’s subtitle, “Inside the new Hispanic churches transforming religion in America,” describes how the tremendous upsurge in Latino “born-again” evangelicals is transforming not only Latino culture, but American Christianity. The reporter, Elizabeth Dias, profiles some leading Latino evangelical churches to chronicle the transformation being wrought in Latino and American Christianity.

Time points out that while Latinos made up 17 percent of the U.S. population in 2011 they will be 29 percent of the population by 2050.

Millions of Latinos came to America seeking a better material life for themselves and for their families. Once they arrived, many were “evangelized” and had their spiritual lives transformed by evangelicals, and have become Pentecostals, Baptists and other denominations of evangelicals by the hundreds of thousands. For example, there are 40,800 churches in the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, 3,200 Latino Southern Baptist churches and 2,500 Latino Assemblies of God.

These Latino converts say their faith is “very important in their lives” at much higher percentages (92 percent) than the general U.S. population (58 percent). They are also more socially conservative, with 70 percent of Latino evangelicals “opposed to abortion in all or most cases” as opposed to 41 percent of the general U.S. population. Time also points out that Latino evangelicals are opposed to same-sex marriage by a 66 percent to 25 percent margin.

As evangelicals of all ethnicities evangelize and as Latino evangelicals become a higher percentage of the increasing Latino population, traditional, evangelical Christianity in America will inevitably assume a new, more Latino profile. The Southern Baptist Convention alone expects to double the number of Hispanic Southern Baptist churches by 2030.

And the Latino transformation of American Christianity is part of an international trend in which Latino Evangelicals are transforming Latin America as well. Time’s article reports that evangelicals have more than tripled in Latin America between 1996 (four percent) and 2010 (13 percent).

This phenomenon is just one dramatic part of the transformation of the worldwide Christian faith. Christianity, especially evangelical Christianity, is on the march in Africa and Asia. Unless extraordinary revival breaks out in Europe and North America, the majority of Christian disciples worldwide will be Asian, African, or Hispanic, not Anglo or European, by 2050.

A reformation indeed.

Ministerios Reyes y Sacerdotes


Dan & Paula, Divine Destiny Coaches



Reyes y sacerdotes

Lecturas: Génesis 1:26; Éxodo 19:3-6.

El propósito de Dios se revela desde la creación del hombre. “Hagamos… a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y señoree…”. Luego Dios llama a Israel, lo saca de Egipto, “…os tomé sobre alas de águilas, y os he traído a mí”. Qué interesante. No sólo a la tierra prometida, ni al desierto del Sinaí, sino a él, a Dios mismo. Y el Señor le dice a su pueblo que si ellos oyen su voz, si guardan su pacto, entonces serían su especial tesoro.

Pero en el corazón del Señor estaba esto: “Y vosotros me seréis un reino de sacerdotes, y gente santa” (Ex. 19: 6).

Reyes y sacerdotes

En primera epístola de Pedro capítulo 2, el Espíritu Santo a través del apóstol viene diciendo que la misma Escritura denuncia el fracaso de Israel. Ellos desecharon la piedra escogida y preciosa; les sirvió de tropezadero. No fueron fieles, no se cumplió en ellos lo que Dios les había prometido.

Pero está hablando ahora a los creyentes del Nuevo Pacto; nos está hablando a nosotros. Y la palabra ya no es una promesa; la palabra se convierte en una realidad, en una afirmación.

“Mas vosotros sois linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido por Dios, para que anunciéis las virtudes de aquel que os llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable” (1ª Pedro 2:9).

“Mas vosotros sois…”. A Israel se le dijo: “…vosotros seréis…”. Hay diferencia entre el Antiguo Pacto y el Nuevo. En el Antiguo todo es promesa de lo que algún día va a ocurrir. Si es que cumplimos, entonces seremos. Pero aquí el Nuevo Pacto usa un lenguaje muy firme. ¡Bendito sea el nombre del Señor!

El hombre fue creado para el dominio (para que señoreara)

Dios es Rey sobre todas las cosas, es decir, sean vivibles o invisibles. Desde Su trono en el cielo, Él reina en gloria y majestad sobre el reino invisible del espíritu. Su reino sobre el dominio físico adquiere una forma diferente. En vez de gobernar en forma directa, Dios optó desde el principio por ejercer Su autoridad real sobre la tierra a través de mensajeros humanos creado a Su imagen para gobernar la tierra en Su nombre como Sus representantes.

El plan y propósito de Dios para la humanidad está claramente revelados en el primer capitulo del libro del Génesis:

“Entonces dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y señoree en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, en las bestias, en toda la tierra, y en todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra. Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó. Y los bendijo Dios, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, y sojuzgadla, y señoread en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, y en todas las bestias que se mueven sobre la tierra.” (Genesis 1: 26-28)

Dios creo al hombre porque Él deseaba que alguien gobernara el reino fisico que Él habia creado. La version de la Biblia del Rey Jaime (o Santiago) utiliza la palabra dominio, que esta relacionado con la palabra dominio, que esta relacionado con la palabra dominar. Los seres humanos fueron creados para ejercer dominio sobre la tierra y todas sus criaturas. La tierra es el dominio del liderazgo de la humanidad.

“Benditos vosotros de Jehová, Que hizo los cielos y la tierra. Los cielos son los cielos de Jehová; Y ha dado la tierra a los hijos de los hombres.” (Salmo 115:15,16)

Dan Tovar (c) 2012